Lightweight Neural Network++ documentation

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network Member List

This is the complete list of members for network, including all inherited members.

compute(const float *input, float *output)network
compute_average_error(const float *target) const network
compute_max_error(const float *target) const network
compute_output_error(const float *target)network
compute_quadratic_error(const float *target) const network
count_weights() const network
friendly_print(const bool show=false) const network
get_activation() const network [inline]
get_learning_rate() const network [inline]
get_max_learning_rate()network [inline]
get_min_learning_rate()network [inline]
get_momentum() const network [inline]
get_no_of_inputs() const network [inline]
get_no_of_layers() const network [inline]
get_no_of_neurons(int l) const network
get_no_of_outputs() const network [inline]
get_no_of_patterns() const network [inline]
get_output_error() const network [inline]
get_ssab_down_factor()network [inline]
get_ssab_up_factor()network [inline]
get_weight(int l, int nl, int nu) const network
is_ssab_active() const network [inline]
jolt(float factor, float range)network
load(const char *filename)network
load_ssab(const char *filename)network
LOGISTICnetwork [static]
network(int activ, int no_of_layers,...)network
network(int activ, vector< int > layers)network
network(const char *filename, bool binary=true)network
network(const network &b)network
operator<<(ostream &, const network &)network [friend]
operator=(const network &b)network
print() const network
randomize(float range)network
save(const char *filename) const network
save_ssab(const char *filename) const network
set_activation(int num_func)network
set_learning_rate(float learning_rate)network [inline]
set_max_learning_rate(float max)network
set_min_learning_rate(float min)network
set_momentum(float momentum)network [inline]
set_ssab_down_factor(float factor)network [inline]
set_ssab_up_factor(float factor)network [inline]
ssab_print_nus() const network
ssab_stats(float &average, float &max, float &min, int &n_max, int &n_min)network
TANHnetwork [static]
textload(const char *filename)network
textsave(const char *filename) const network

Generated on Tue Oct 12 00:32:12 2004 for Lightweight Neural Network ++ by  doxygen 1.3.9